Sunday, February 20, 2005

Day 7 - Saturday, February 19 - Travel to Chiang Mai

Todays words:

filth·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (flth) adj. filth·i·er, filth·i·est
Covered or smeared with filth; disgustingly dirty. See Synonyms at dirty.
Obscene; scatological. Vile; nasty: a filthy traitor.

dirt·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dûrt) adj. dirt·i·er, dirt·i·est
Soiled, as with dirt; unclean. Spreading dirt; polluting: The air near the foundry was always dirty. Apt to soil with dirt or grime: a dirty job at the garage.
Contaminated with bacteria or other infectious microorganisms. Squalid or filthy; run-down: dirty slums.

loo·fa or loo·fah ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lf) also luf·fa (lf, lf)n.
Any of several Old World tropical vines of the genus Luffa, having cylindrical fruit with a fibrous, spongelike interior. The dried, fibrous part of the loofa fruit, used as a washing sponge or as a filter. Also called dishcloth gourd, vegetable sponge

Woke at 4AM after going to bed at 1:30A. Not really sure if that counts as a nights sleep.

Shared a taxi with a girl from Northern California who is living in Korea for a few years. Got to the airport, checked in for my flight, and boarded Nok Airlines for Chiang Mai. Met a couple from Kansas City (white mom, Thai husband, 2 kids, and a friend) who are visiting Chiang Mai for 2 weeks so the kids can see a bit of their heritage.

Landed at 8:00A. Much cooler in Chaing Mai than Bangkok but have no fear, it warmed up by noon.

Went to the Libra Guesthouse and waited for my room to be ready. Met 2 NY Westchester Jews who are traveling for 2 weeks. They are both therapists and were lame. They give jews AND New Yorkers a bad name. Didn't have much to say to them so I let them eat their breakfast and minded my own businss.

Finally got into my room and although the "lobby" area isn't nearly as nice as Shanti, my room is quite big, airy, windows all around and pretty nice. Got situated and started walking around. Within minutes of walking, I ran into Emma and Adam from Bangkok. They were at a market with their chef from their cooking class they were enrolled in. My class isn't until tomorrow. Made a plan to meet them at their guesthouse tonight at 7P to venture to the "night market". I walked around the the city for a few hours. It's much smaller and managable than Bangkok. The whole city is situated around a mote and I just walked the perimeter to take it all in. There is a great park (Buak Hat Park)on the southwest corner of the city and I hung out there for a while. It's a small park, but has beautiful grounds, great flowers all around, bridges and Pagodas over little rivers and people were just enjoying their day not really caring that a giant "farang" had entered their park.

Stopped for Yellow noodles in cury soup with Chicken at a local joint. One of the best things I've eaten so far and those who are following my adventures, know that I am loving the food here.

Headed back to Libra (my guesthouse) and met up with a few people who were having drinks in the garden. I have no idea of their names or anything about them.

I headed back out to check out some of the shops I had seen earlier in the day and also tried to find a loofah. For some reason, I am feeling very dirty. Between all the barefootness here in Thailand (you have to take your shoes off to enter almost anywhere, including the guesthouses), the cool showers for a week in Bangkok, and the layers of caked on sweat, soap and water just don't cut it.

Does ANYONE know where to find a LOOFAH, a PUMICE STONE, or some skin safe abrasive for the human body in Thailand? I'm thinking I may have to go to a automotive shop and get some steel wool if I don't find any of the above today.

Walked around and got lost once I left the perimeter streets and tried to navigate through the tiny alleys and streets. This city has a small time feel about it. It's great. It's quaint and it's somewhat charming. There also seem to be more proper shops than in Bangkok as well as restaurants and bars as we know them to be. Everything here isn't a market.

I asked a Thai woman in a manicure / massage storefront where I could go to get some scrubbing stuff. At this point, the steel wool was the only option. She told me of a little Pharmacia a few streets down that should have what I was looking for. Sure enough, the Thai don't disappoint. I found a pumice stone. That would certainly do justice on my feet that, right now, look as if I tatood them BLACK! That and a HOT shower (yes the Libra has HOT water) should help with this feeling of filth I am experiencing.

Got back to Libra and showered.


I got dressed and headed to the Smile Guesthouse to pick up Adam and Emma. We walked over to the Night Market or the Night Bazaar as some call it. I like the crap much better in Chiang Mai. I may have to start an importing business. I bet I could make a FORTUNE filling up a few containers of stuff here, both furniture, crap, and silk, and opening a store in LA. I didn't buy anything but once again, tagged some stuff and noted where it was (I'll never be able to find it next time I'm go back there).

At one point, we found some giant food area with some local Thai music and dancers. They were pretty awful. We ate some Rotee and every bite was more orgasmic than the next. It's sort of the Thai version of a crepe. We all had them with egg and banana. They crack an egg on the crepe, throw on some sliced bananas and fold it into a big square. They then fry it up for a litle while, cut it into squares, and pour condensed milk over it. I'm telling you, it's great. This will definitely be featured on my "Marc Cooks Thailand" show on the Food Network when I get back. Had a few beers and headed back to the area of our guest houses which is only a 5-10 minute walk. At one point, we heard yelling, screaming, and cheering. We looked down an alley and saw a Thai Boxing match going on. It was erected at the end of this bar and restaurant lined alley. As we got closer, we saw some guy getting the crap kicked out of him. We watched a few "rounds" and headed on again. Adam and I are meeting up again on Friday to go to a real Thai Boxing match. Thai Boxing is the national sport of Thailand and you can read more about it at the link below:

Got back to Libra and went straight to bed. It was about 1:30AM and Libra was pretty quiet.


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